University of California San Francisco
555 Mission Bay Blvd South
Box 3118
San Francisco, CA 94158
Phone: (415) 502-0273
Do you have a patient you think might have a COPA mutation? Someone with a familial autoimmune or lung disorder? We are enrolling COPA syndrome patients and other families with autoimmune/lung disease for our studies. Please contact: anthony.shum@ucsf.edu.
For clinical samples: Please send to arrive Tuesday-Friday ONLY
Please send ATTN Chris Law
Please send PBMCs at room temperature
Please send genomic DNA (at least 500 ng, 50 ng/μL) on ice packs
The Shum Lab is recruiting talented postdocs and graduate students to join our mission to solve autoimmune lung diseases! We are seeking individuals with experience in cell biology and mouse models of autoimmunity.
Interested: send CV to anthony.shum@ucsf.edu